So! I started working at a different branch of the bank I work for today, this one is only five minutes from my home! So excited, because I have been commuting 35+ minutes each way forever and I am finally going to be saving tons of time and gasoline money that could be spent in other, more rad ways.
We also stared going to a family ward too, because our byu student married ward was dissolved. I know that they have a reputation for being not very cool but ours really was! We made lots of great friends and loved it a lot so we were sad to have to say goodbye to that chapter, but our family ward seems great too and it's time we be big kids now.
We finally put up the frames I have been collecting and planning on hanging for a million years and finished the decoration of the family room. It feels great. Maybe sometime I will get around to posting some pictures. Maybe not? We will just see. But if you come over you will for sure get to see the wall.
With all of these changes I kind of feel like we moved, but we didn't. Change is good sometimes. You know what other change I am quite enjoying? The weather! Finally Utah is coming through- giving us a season I actually like. It is called spring. It believes in being fashionably late. But I forgive spring, because I have decided that our friendship is worth it. In order to show our appreciation for it showing up at all, we have even been going on lots of walks and spending time eating our dinner at parks.
WHOA totally boring post!
We also stared going to a family ward too, because our byu student married ward was dissolved. I know that they have a reputation for being not very cool but ours really was! We made lots of great friends and loved it a lot so we were sad to have to say goodbye to that chapter, but our family ward seems great too and it's time we be big kids now.
We finally put up the frames I have been collecting and planning on hanging for a million years and finished the decoration of the family room. It feels great. Maybe sometime I will get around to posting some pictures. Maybe not? We will just see. But if you come over you will for sure get to see the wall.
With all of these changes I kind of feel like we moved, but we didn't. Change is good sometimes. You know what other change I am quite enjoying? The weather! Finally Utah is coming through- giving us a season I actually like. It is called spring. It believes in being fashionably late. But I forgive spring, because I have decided that our friendship is worth it. In order to show our appreciation for it showing up at all, we have even been going on lots of walks and spending time eating our dinner at parks.
WHOA totally boring post!
3 tuppence:
NOT a boring post! I loved it! So happy you found a job closer to home. Can't wait to see you soon!!!!
We now go to the family ward too! It was weird at first. But it's getting fun. I'm glad church is 1pm now! So much better than 8am. :)
Yeah hi... uhhhh... the weather has been terrible for a solid week and a half raining pretty much constantly. But I feel ya dog.
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