Thursday, June 24, 2010

i have butterflies.



you guys, it's open. the wizarding world of harry potter in orlando florida. i need to go there! it's my dreams becoming reality. the hogwarts express, hogwarts, hogsmeade, diagon alley, and so much more. they actually have delicious frothy butterbeer!
is this blowing your mind too?

5 tuppence:

Unknown said...

YES!!! I am SO in! When should we go?

jessandbryce said...

we're coming too!!!

Nick and Lexie Sherman said...

We are going in October!! I cant wait you and Cass should just come! and of course the hubbys!

Sarah said...

october it is!

Johanna said...

i told you i saw this being built in january. i wonder what butter beer tastes like....