Wednesday, August 5, 2009

we found a home!

this picture is not our home. i just wanted to post this picture because it is my favorite house in provo it is so cute and i just like it. we almost signed a contract for this one, we would have been living in the top right section of it. but we decided it was too small and jacob explained that the novelty of living in this cute of a house wears off after you feel so cramped and you can't fit anything in there. he is right. so farewell, cutest house in provo. we are on to bigger (kind of) and better things! yes children, the best news, we found a house! yes, not an apartment, not a sixplex, not a basement. a little little cute house! and it's location is amazing. let's just say i will never have to drive or park at school. it is an answer to our prayers. i did not take pictures of it because the yard needs some work and it's stucco is being re-done at the moment. but we can't wait to make it our first home! and i will post pictures in due time when i move in and make it a nest of love and then jacob can live with me after we make it official! :) yaaaaaay!

letter to our new home:

dear house,
we are going to make you a home. we promise we will treat you nice, clean you every day, and make you feel like a million bucks. we will spend time with you and we will stick with you through good times and bad. thank you for choosing us.
your new loving family,
jake & sar

now all i can think about is decorating it. maybe something like this catskills cottage? yesss!

4 tuppence:

Ali and Dane said...

goodness. i love this home. i can't wait for more photos of real house, it got stucco-d saturday right? so that means!?!? haha love you and your home.

You Are My Fave said...

I totally know this exact house. Cozy cottages are the best, but signing the lease to a newer nicer place is even better.

Greg, Abby and Baby Riggs said...

ha sar you crack me up! I can't wait to see your new place. I know it will look just like a magazine when you are finished with it. Wedding is coming soon! Freak girl let me try on my dress............

sophie said...

can i come see it this week???
i must!